Results 41
Adralestos 20101
Ἀδραλέστῳ (DO I.36a.1, Cheynet: Diogenai p. 565)
Adralestos 20101 Adralestos Diogenes, strategos of Morava E / M XI Ἀδραλέστῳ (DO I.36a.1, Cheynet: Diogenai p. 565)
Adrianos 20105
Adrianos 20105 Adrianos, epi tou manglabiou and archon of the blattion (?) M XI Ἀδριανός
Aetios 20101
Ἀέτιος (DO I.69.1)
Aetios 20101 Aetios, strategos of Preslav E XI Ἀέτιος (DO I.69.1)
Aetios 20102
Aetios 20102 Aetios, katepano of Paphlagonia E / M XI Ἀετίῳ
Aetios 20103
Aetios 20103 Aetios [...], stratiotikos logothetes (strategos of Thessalonike ?) E / M XI Ἀετίῳ
Alexios 20108
Alexios 20108 Alexios, imperial protospatharios and strategos of Charsianon E / M XI Ἀλεξίῳ
Anastasios 20101
Ἀναστασίῳ (DO I.73.1)
Anastasios 20101 Anastasios, strategos of Anchialos (?) L X / E XI Ἀναστασίῳ (DO I.73.1)
Andreas 20106
Andreas 20106 Andreas, chartoularios of the Oxys dromos M XI Ἀνδρέᾳ
Anonymus 20107
- (DO I.18.17)
Anonymus 20107 [...], imperial protospatharios and ek prosopou of Thessalonike X / XI - (DO I.18.17)
Anonymus 20110
Anonymus 20110 strategos of Thrakesion L X / E XI -
Anonymus 20166
Anonymus 20166 krites of the hippodrome and mystographos M XI -
Anonymus 20167
Anonymus 20167 krites of the hippodrome of the velon and of Armeniakon and mystographos M XI -
Anonymus 20191
- (DO II.38.8)
Anonymus 20191 krites of the hippodrome and of Cyprus M XI - (DO II.38.8)
Anonymus 20195
- (DO II.59.14)
Anonymus 20195 krites of Kibyrraioton L X / E XI - (DO II.59.14)
Anonymus 20199
Anonymus 20199 krites of the hippodrome and mystolektes M XI -
Anonymus 20207
Anonymus 20207 kourator (?) of the Oxeis L X / E XI -
Anonymus 20208
Anonymus 20208 chartoularios of the stratiotikos logothetes and protonotarios M XI -
Anonymus 20210
Anonymus 20210 Akropolites, chartoularios of the stratiotikon M / L XI -
Anonymus 20220
Anonymus 20220 (Theodoros ?) Radenos E / M XI -
Anonymus 20222
- (DO III.2.29)
Anonymus 20222 [...], imperial protospatharios, thesmophylax and krites of Thrakesion L X / E XI - (DO III.2.29)
Anonymus 20223
- (DO III.2.30)
Anonymus 20223 [...], megas chartoularios of the genikon logothesion and krites of Thrakesion L X / E XI - (DO III.2.30)...
Anonymus 20232
- (DO III.71.18)
Anonymus 20232 [...], imperial protospatharios and domestikos of Optimaton L X / E XI - (DO III.71.18)
Anonymus 20233
- (DO III.86.14)
Anonymus 20233 [...], imperial protospatharios and chartoularios of the dromos of Anatolikon XI - (DO III.86.14)
Anonymus 20250
- (DO IV.1.16)
Anonymus 20250 [...], thesmophylax krites of the hippodrome and of Boukellarion XI - (DO IV.1.16)
Anonymus 20258
- (DO IV.22.25)
Anonymus 20258 [...], krites of the hippodrome and of Armeniakon L X / E XI - (DO IV.22.25)
Anonymus 20270
- (DO IV.55.14)
Anonymus 20270 [...], protospatharios and strategos of Mesopotamia L X / E XI - (DO IV.55.14)
Anonymus 20279
Anonymus 20279 patrikios and imperial protospatharios M XI -
Anonymus 20304
Anonymus 20304 protonotarios of the dromos M XI -
Anonymus 20307
Anonymus 20307 domestikos of the exkoubitoi L X / E XI -
Anonymus 20327
- (DO V.25.10)
Anonymus 20327 [...], megas chartoularios of the genikos logothetes and kourator of the Mangana L X / E XI - (DO V.25.10...
Anonymus 20344
Anonymus 20344 strategos of Anatolikon (Kibyrraioton?) M XI -
Arkadios 20101
Arkadios 20101 Arkadios, aktouarios L X / E XI Ἀρκαδίῳ
Theodoros 20272
Theodoros 20272 Theodoros Akapnes L X / E XI (Θεόδωρος)
Michael 20369
Michael 20369 Michael Aristenos, imperial (?) protospatharios E / M XI Μιχαήλ
Nikolaos 20181
Nikolaos 20181 Nikolaos Angoures, imperial protospatharios L X / E XI Νικολάῳ
Pothos 20113
Πόθῳ (BBÖ II.40)
Pothos 20113 Pothos Akapnes E / M XI Πόθῳ (BBÖ II.40)
Kosmas 20114
Kosmas 20114 Kosmas (?) Angoures, imperial protospatharios L X / E XI Κοσμᾶς
Akindynos 20105
Akindynos 20105 Akindynos, kleisouriarches of Seleukeia E / M XI Ἀκινδύνῳ
Alexandros 20106
Alexandros 20106 Alexandros, chartoularios of the oikonomos of Hagia Sophia L X / E XI Ἀλεξάνδρῳ
Anonymus 20390
Anonymus 20390 imperial notarios of the vestiarion M XI -
Anonymus 20425
Anonymus 20425 [...] imperial protospatharios and chartoularios L X / E XI -