Results 18
Leon 173
Λέων (Wassiliou 19)
Leon 173 Leon Hexamilites, krites of the velon and megas chartoularios of the genikon L XI Λέων (Wassiliou 19)
Leon 2104
Leon 2104 Leon ho tou Patron, epi ton deeseon M XI Λέοντι
Leon 20124
Λέοντι (Seyrig 190, DO III.39.44, IV.56.14 & 61.4)
Leon 20124 Leon Hexakionites, protonotarios XI Λέοντι (Seyrig 190, DO III.39.44, IV.56.14 & 61.4)
Leon 20135
Leon 20135 Leon Hagiochristophorites, protospatharios M / L XI Λέοντι
Leon 20175
Leon 20175 Leon Hagiochristophorites, protospatharios and kommerkiarios XI Λέοντι
Leon 20181
Leon 20181 Leon Hikanatos E / M XII Λέοντα
Leon 20182
Leon 20182 Leon Hikanatos, proedros and koiaistor L XI / E XII Λέοντι
Leon 20223
Leon 20223 Leon Hexakionites (Hexaklinites ?), anthypatos patrikios krites of the velon E / M XI Λέοντι
Leon 20227
Λέοντος (Wassiliou 12)
Leon 20227 Leon Hexamilites M XI Λέοντος (Wassiliou 12)
Leon 20228
Λέοντος (Wassiliou 15)
Leon 20228 Leon Hexamilites L XI Λέοντος (Wassiliou 15)
Leon 20229
Λέοντα (Wassiliou 16)
Leon 20229 Leon ho tou Hexamilitou L XI Λέοντα (Wassiliou 16)
Leon 20251
Leon 20251 Leon Hikanatos, eparchos XI Λέων
Leon 20301
Leon 20301 Leon Hetaireiotes (?), magistros M / L XI Λέοντι
Leon 20324
Leon 20324 Leon Hagiopolyeuktites (? Hagiopolites), asekretis krites of Thessalonike and Strymon XI Λέοντι
Leon 13104
Leon 13104 Leon Hypatios L X / E XI
Leon 20363
Leon 20363 Leon Hamartolos M XI Λέοντι
Leon 20405
Leon 20405 Leon Hag[...], kouboukleisios L X / E XI Λέων
Leon 20441
Leon 20441 Leon Hagioapostolites L XI Λέοντος