Results 29
Leon 20113
Λέοντι (DO I.12.9)
Leon 20113 Leon Botaneiates XI Λέοντι (DO I.12.9)
Leon 20118
Λέων (DO I.71.12)
Leon 20118 Leon Triakontaphyllos, krites of Thrace XI Λέων (DO I.71.12)
Leon 20119
Λέοντι (DO I.78.4)
Leon 20119 Leon Pegonites E / M XI Λέοντι (DO I.78.4)
Leon 20123
Λέοντι (Seyrig 88)
Leon 20123 Leon Tzirithon, protospatharios and megas chartoularios of the genikon M XI Λέοντι (Seyrig 88)
Leon 20130
Λέοντι (DO V.6.2)
Leon 20130 Leon Spondyles, anagrapheus of Seleukeia E / M XI Λέοντι (DO V.6.2)
Leon 20135
Leon 20135 Leon Hagiochristophorites, protospatharios M / L XI Λέοντι
Leon 20140
Λέοντι (DO III.86.28, BBÖ II.171)
Leon 20140 Leon, krites of Anatolikon E / M XI Λέοντι (DO III.86.28, BBÖ II.171) WRONG DO REFERENCE III 86.28
Leon 20170
Leon 20170 Leon, protospatharios epi tou koitonos praipositos and epi tes trapezes XI Λέοντι
Leon 20171
Leon 20171 Leon, imperial notarios of the oikeiaka XI Λέοντι
Leon 20188
Leon 20188 Leon Meginos, protospatharios and vestiarites M / L XI Λέοντι
Leon 20210
Leon 20210 Leon [...], mystographos and protonotarios XI Λέοντι
Leon 20215
Leon 20215 Leon, megas kourator of the Oxeis E / M XI Λέοντι
Leon 20217
Λέοντα (DO V.27.2)
Leon 20217 Leon, protospatharios and imperial notarios of the Phylax M / L XI Λέοντα (DO V.27.2)
Leon 20224
Leon 20224 Leon, krites of the hippodrome XI Λέοντι
Leon 20225
Leon 20225 Leon, krites of the hippodrome M / L XI Λέοντι
Leon 20230
Λέοντι (DO III.2.2)
Leon 20230 Leon, protospatharios and chartoularios of Thrakesion XI Λέοντι (DO III.2.2)
Leon 20262
Λέοντι (DO IV.22.17)
Leon 20262 Leon, krites of the hippodrome and of Armeniakon XI Λέοντι (DO IV.22.17)
Leon 20273
Leon 20273 Leon Karikes, protospatharios tagmatophylax and strategos of Chios XI Λέοντι
Leon 20274
Λέων (BBÖ II.278 & 292)
Leon 20274 Leon Drimys M XI Λέων (BBÖ II.278 & 292)
Leon 20289
Leon 20289 Leon Promoundenos, krites of the hippodrome and of Chaldia and Derxene M XI Λέοντι
Leon 20305
Leon 20305 Leon Goudeles, protospatharios and strategos XI Λέοντι
Leon 20311
Leon 20311 Leon Apokaukos, strategos XI Λέοντος
Leon 20327
Λέοντι (DO V.3.1)
Leon 20327 Leon (?), strategos of Mamistra (?) L X / E XI Λέοντι (DO V.3.1)
Leon 20337
Leon 20337 Leon Boulgaros, protospatharios and strategos L XI / E XII Λέοντι
Leon 20350
Leon 20350 Leon, notarios of the sakelle and basilikos of Aegean Sea XI Λέοντι
Leon 20367
Leon 20367 Leon Balaneas M XI Λέοντι
Leon 20383
Leon 20383 Leon Pardos M XI Λέων
Leon 20385
Leon 20385 Leon Pilenios M XI Λέοντι
Leon 20441
Leon 20441 Leon Hagioapostolites L XI Λέοντος