Gregorios Kamateros, protokouropalates and praitor of Peloponnesos and Hellas
Theotokos (bust, with medallion on her chest) sigla
Text 8 lines
Μήτηρ Θεοῦ / Θεοτόκε βοήθει Γρηγορίῳ πρωτοκουροπαλάτῃ καὶ πραίτωρι Πελοποννήσου καὶ ῾Ελλάδος τῷ Καματηρῷ
Mother of God. / Theotokos aid Gregorios Kamateros protokouropalates and praitor of Peloponnesos and Hellas
Diameter: 27
Date: 11th c. (end) - 12th c. (first quarter)
- Athens (Konstantopoulos) 94
- Athens (Konstantopoulos) 94
- DO 58.106. 4605 Dumbarton Oaks
- Stavrakos no. 101
- Schlumberger, Sigillographie p. 191, no. 6
- Schlumberger, Mélanges no. 1
- Schlumberger, Mélanges no. 45
- Konstantopoulos, Nom. Mous. no. 94
- Veis, Peloponnes und Hellas no. 32
- Nesbitt - Oikonomides II no. 8. 39
- Laurent, Kamatéros no. 12, 13a
- Wassiliou - Seibt BBÖ II p. 214, n. 410