Polyeuktos, deacon synkellos and protekdikos
Theotokos Alypos (bust, with medallion in front of her) sigla, with text at circ.
Text 7 lines
Μήτηρ Θεοῦ | ἡ ῎Αλυπος. / ῾Αγνή, σφραγίς μοι Πολυεύκτῳ συγκέλλῳ | τῶν ἐκδίκων πρώτῳ καὶ διακόνῳ
Mother of God | Alypos (without pain?). / Pure maiden, the seal belongs to me, Polyeuktos, deacon synkellos and protekdikos (overstruck)
Diameter: 20
Date: 11th c.
- Fogg 2596 Dumbarton Oaks
- Nesbitt, Overstruck Seals no. 7
- Laurent, Corpus V.1 no. 108
- Seibt, review of Laurent, Corpus V p. 77