Georgios Pentarkles
St Georgios (standing) vertical inscriptions
Text 6 lines
῾Ο ἅγιος Γεώργιος. / Γενοῦ, ἀθλητά, τῶν γραφῶν Γεωργίου | τοῦ Πενταρκλῆ στήριγμα καὶ τῶν πρακτέων
St Georgios. | Martyr, become the confirmation of the writings and acts of Georgios Pentarkles (metrical, copy)
Diameter: 33
Date: End of 12th c. - 13th c.
- Seyrig 136
- Fogg 480 Dumbarton Oaks
- Vatican 189
- Warsaw 92
- Cheynet - Morrisson - Seibt, Seyrig no. 314
- Laurent, Bulles métriques no. 594
- Laurent, Vatican no. 189
- Szemioth - Wasilewski, Varsovie no. 92