Konstantinos ho tou Nikaias (nephew of the metropolitan of Nicaea), metropolitan of Kerkyra


Seal owner (C), St Petros (L), St Paulos (R) (standing, saints larger than the seal-owner) vertical inscriptions with invocation at circ.


Text 7 lines

῾Ο ἅγιος Πέτρος. | ῾Ο ἅγιος Παῦλος. / Λόγου μαθητῶν ἀκρότης σκέποιτέ με | τὸν τοῦ Νικαίας Κερκύρας Κωνσταντῖνον

St Petros. | St Paulos. / Greatest of the disciples of the Word protect me, | Konstantinos ho tou Nikaias, metropolitan of Kerkyra

Diameter: 33

Date: 12th c.


  • Athens (Konstantopoulos) 114


  • Schlumberger, Sigillographie p. 219- 210
  • Konstantopoulos, Nom. Mous. no. 114
  • Laurent, Corpus V.1 no. 803