Basileios, vestes megas chartoularios krites of the velon and of Armeniakon
Theotokos (standing, raising hands to hand of God at upper L) sigla, with invocation at circ.
Text 6 lines
Μήτηρ Θεοῦ. Θεοτόκε βοήθει / Βασιλείῳ βέστῃ μεγάλῳ χαρτουλαρίῳ κριτῇ τοῦ βήλου καὶ τῶν ᾿Αρμενιακῶν
Mother of God. Theotokos aid / Basileios, vestes megas chartoularios krites of the velon and of Armeniakon
Diameter: 22
Date: 11th c. (3rd quarter)
- Zacos collection 0
- Vienna Mechitharisten 27
- Zacos II no. 797
- Wassiliou - Seibt BBÖ II no. 175