Seals in Sale Catalogue: Münz Zentrum 100:

  • Konstantinos Promoundenos, magistros vestes krites of the velon and Thrakesion

    Κωνσταντῖνος μάγιστρος βέστης κριτὴς τοῦ βήλου καὶ Θρᾳκησίων ὁ Προμουνδηνός

    Konstantinos Promoundenos, magistros vestes krites of the velon and Thrakesion

    Sale Catalogue: Münz Zentrum 100: 119

  • Sergios Hexamilites, vestes krites of the velon and of Thrakesion

    Κύριε βοήθει Σεργίῳ βέστῃ κριτῇ τοῦ βήλου / καὶ τῶν Θρᾳκησίων τῷ ῾Εξαμιλίτῃ

    Lord aid Sergios Hexamilites, vestes krites of the velon and of Thrakesion

    Sale Catalogue: Münz Zentrum 100: 818

  • Leon Drimys, patrikios anthypatos and katepano of Dristra

    / Λέοντι πατρικίῳ ἀνθυπάτῳ και κατεπάνω Δρίστρας τῷ Δριμεῖ

    / Leon Drimys, patrikios anthypatos and katepano of Dristra

    Sale Catalogue: Münz Zentrum 100: 818

  • Michael Choirosphaktes, krites of Longibardia and Calabria

    ῾Ο ἅγιος Εὐστράτιος. / Μιχαὴλ κριτῇ Λαγγιβαρδίας καὶ Καλαβρίας τῷ Χοιροσφάκτῃ

    St Eustratios. / Michael Choirosphaktes, krites of Longibardia and Calabria

    Sale Catalogue: Münz Zentrum 100: 818

  • Leon Blangas, strategos and anagrapheus of Seleukeia

    Κύριε βοήθει τῷ σῷ δούλῳ Λέοντι στρατηγῷ / καὶ ἀναγραφεῖ Σελευκείας τῷ Βλάγγᾳ

    Lord aid your servant Leon Blangas strategos / and anagrapheus of Seleukeia

    Sale Catalogue: Münz Zentrum 100: 818