- Adana Museum
- Afyon Museum, Turkey
- American Numismatic Society, Bell collection
- Antioch Museum
- Archaeological collection of the Rotonda, Thessaloniki
- Archaeological depot of the Ukranian Academy, Kiev
- Archaeological Institute of Bucharest, Romania
- Archaeological Museum of Hisarya, Bulgaria
- Archaeological Museum of Sozopol, Bulgaria
- Archaeological Museum of Varna, Bulgaria
- Archaeological Museum, Asenovgrad
- Archaeological Museum, Nessebar
- Archaeological Museum, Plovdiv
- Archaeology Museum of Thessaloniki: collection of Michael Ritsos
- Archeological Institute and Museum of Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria
- Architectual Institute of the Ukranian Academy, Kiev
- Archives départmentales, Nord
- Archives of Cava de’ Tirreni
- Archives of the Order of St John of Jerusalem, Malta
- Arta, archaeological collection
- Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
- Athens, Benaki Museum
- Athens, Nomismatikon Mouseion, Main collection
- Athens, Nomismatikon Mouseion, Orphanides collection (ed. Koltsida-Makri)
- Athens, Nomismatikon Mouseion, recent collections
- Athens, Nomismatikon Mouseion, Stamoules collection
- Bari, archives of the church of San Nicola
- Belgrade, National Museum
- Berlin collections (edd. Speck and Sode)
- Better collection
- Bibliothèque nationale de France, Cabinet des Médailles, Zacos collection
- Birmingham, Barber Institute
- Bochum, Schiffer collection
- Brussels, Kimps collection
- Bucharest, Becker collection (dispersed ?)
- Bucharest, Orghidan collection
- Bucharest, Paphagi collection (dispersed ?)
- Budapest, Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum
- Bulgaria (private collection)
- Bulgarian National Museum of History, Sofia
- Cambridge, Ma. Sackler Library, Harvard University
- Cambridge, Mass., Fogg Art Museum
- Collection of Dr D. Theodorides, Munich
- Collection of Mrs Janet Zacos, Basel
- Collection of O’Hara, UK
- Collection of S. Lambros
- Collection of V. Bulgakova, Kiev
- Copenhagen
- Corinth Museum
- Cyprus (private collection)
- Dallegio collection, Athens
- Dançoisne collection (dispersed?)
- Diamanti collection (dispersed ?)
- Dorin collection, Sofia
- Earinos collection (from Smyrna)
- England (private collection)
- Étampes, Thierry collection
- F. Miklosich and J. Müller, Acta et diplomata graeca medii aevi sacra et profana, vols. I-VI, Vienna, 1860-1890
- Feuerardent collection, Paris
- France (private collection)
- Gaziantep Museum, Turkey
- Germany (private collection)
- Giannopoulos collection (dispersed)
- Gosudartsvennaja Tret’jakovskaja Galereja, Moscow
- Greece (private collection)
- Halmyros, Greece
- Haskovo Museum of History, Bulgaria
- Hatay Museum
- Historical and Architectural Museum, Novgorod
- Historical Museum of Ahtopol, Bulgaria
- Historical Museum of Balchik, Bulgaria
- Historical Museum of Burgas, Bulgaria
- Historical Museum of Gabrovo, Bulgaria
- Historical Museum of Iambol, Bulgaria
- Historical Museum of Kazanluk, Bulgaria
- Historical Museum of Moscow
- Historical Museum of Nova Zagora, Bulgaria
- Historical Museum of Panagjurishte, Bulgaria
- Historical Museum of Pliska, Bulgaria
- Historical Museum of Romania, Bucharest
- Historical Museum of the City of Kiev
- Historical Museum of Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria
- Historical Museum, Blagoevgrad
- Historical Museum, Russe
- Ikonenmuseum, Recklinghausen
- In Bulgaria, but in unknown collections
- In Germany, but in unknown collections,
- In Greece, but in unknown collections,
- In Romania, but in unknown collections
- In Russia, but in unknown collections
- In Serbia, but in unknown collections
- In Ukraine, but in unknown collections
- Institute and Museum of Archaeology, Sofia
- Istanbul (private collection)
- Istanbul Archaological Musum
- Istanbul, collection of Mr. Halus Perk
- Istanbul, Excavations at Saraçhane (Harrison)
- Italy (private collection)
- Jerusalem, Museum of the Flagellation
- Khoury collection (largely purchased around Antioch and in Lebanon)
- Laurent collection
- Lichacev collection
- Lindpainter collection (dispersed ?)
- London, British Library
- London, Museum of London
- Longuet collection, Mulhouse
- Lwow collections
- Macedonia (private collection)
- Malcove Collection, University of Toronto
- Military Museum of Bucharest
- Mordtmann collection
- Mt Athos, archives of Docheiariou
- Mt Athos, archives of Monastery of Iviron
- Mt Athos, Archives of the Monastery of Megiste Lavra
- Mt Athos, Archives of the Protaton
- Munich - Vienna collections (Seibt - Zarnitz)
- Munich, Utpadel collection
- Museum of Archaeology, Preslav
- Museum of Archaeology, Shumen
- Museum of Beirut
- Museum of Calarasi, Rumania
- Museum of Constanta, Rumania
- Museum of Cyprus, Nicosia
- Museum of History, Dobrich, Bulgaria
- Museum of History, Kardzhali (Bulgaria)
- Museum of History, Kurdjali, Bulgaria
- Museum of History, Kyustendil, Bulgaria
- Museum of History, Pernik, Bulgaria
- Museum of History, Radnevo, Bulgaria
- Museum of History, Silistra, Bulgaria
- Museum of History, Sliven, Bulgaria
- Museum of History, Stara Zagora
- Museum of History, Vidin, Bulgaria
- Museum of History, Yambol (Bulgaria)
- Museum of Komotini
- Museum of Manisa, Turkey
- Museum of Mytilene
- Museum of Odessa, Ukraine
- Museum of Pozarevac (near medieval Branicevo), Serbia
- Museum of Selcuk, Turkey
- Museum of Sremska Mitrovica
- Museum of Staraja Ladoga
- Museum of Tarsos
- Museum of the Chersonesos
- Museum of the Danube Delta, Tulcea, Romania
- Museum of the White Fathers (St Anne), Jerusalem
- National Ethnographic and Historical Museum, Perejaslavl'
- National Museum of Antiquities, Bucharest
- National Museum of Historical Numismatics, Moscow
- National Museum of History, Cernigov
- National Museum of Ukrainian History, Kiev
- National Museum Sofija Kievskaja in Kiev
- New York, American Numismatic Society, Bellinger Collection
- New York, American Numismatic Society, Mabbott Collection
- New York, American Numismatic Society, Newell Collection
- New York, American Numismatic Society, outside named collections
- Paris, Bibliotheque nationale
- Paris, de Koehne collection (dispersed ?)
- Paris, Institut Français d’études byzantines
- Paris, Musée du Louvre
- Paris, private collection of Kapamadji
- Paris, Sceaux byzantins de la collection Henri Seyrig
- Patmos, vol. 1
- Patmos, vol. 2
- Pomorie Museum of History, Bulgaria
- Pozzi collection, Paris (old and largely dispersed?)
- Private collection
- Private collection in Turkey
- Private collection of Dr. M-L Zarnitz
- Private collection: Basel, G. Zacos (largely dispersed)
- Private collection: Gustave Schlumberger (dispersed)
- Reggiani collection (Seibt)
- Regional Historical Museum, Shumen
- Romania (private collection)
- Russia (private collection)
- Sale Catalogue: Classical Numismatic Group 33 (March 1995)
- Sale Catalogue: Classical Numismatic Group 37 (March 1996)
- Sale Catalogue: Dorotheum 446 (April, 1990)
- Sale Catalogue: Elsen (Brussels) Sept. 2000
- Sale Catalogue: Gorny 62 (April 1993)
- Sale Catalogue: Gorny 84 (October, 1997)
- Sale Catalogue: Gorny 90
- Sale Catalogue: Gorny and Mosch 108, April, 2001 (see SBS 8, p. 223)
- Sale Catalogue: Gorny and Mosch 113 (October 2001)
- Sale Catalogue: Gorny and Mosch 118 (October 2002)
- Sale Catalogue: Hirsch 173 (1992)
- Sale Catalogue: Hirsch 175 (September, 1992)
- Sale Catalogue: Hirsch 177 (February, 1993)
- Sale Catalogue: Hirsch 183, 1994 (SBS 6, 126-127)
- Sale Catalogue: Hirsch 185, 1995 (SBS 6, 127-129)
- Sale Catalogue: Hirsch 186 (May, 1995)
- Sale Catalogue: Hirsch 194 (February, 1997)
- Sale Catalogue: Hirsch 206 (November, 1999)
- Sale Catalogue: Hirsch 212, November, 2000
- Sale Catalogue: Italo Vecchi 13 (London, September 1998)
- Sale Catalogue: Italo Vecchi 17 (London, December 1999)
- Sale Catalogue: Künker (Osnabrück) 20 (SBS 3, 188-190)
- Sale catalogue: Lanz 60 (Munich 1992), SBS 3, 191-192
- Sale catalogue: Lanz 62 (Munich 1992), SBS 6, 139-140
- Sale catalogue: Lanz 64 (Munich 1993), SBS 6, 140-141
- Sale Catalogue: M & M Numismatics (Washington, D.C.) 1 (December 1997)
- Sale Catalogue: Müller 65 (May, 1990: SBS 3, pp. 193-194)
- Sale Catalogue: Müller 73 (February, 1993: SBS 6, p. 144)
- Sale Catalogue: Münz Zentrum
- Sale Catalogue: Münz Zentrum 100, September 1999: see SBS 8, 243-244 (lot 818 contained 21 items)
- Sale Catalogue: Münz Zentrum 101, December, 1999 (see SBS 8, p. 245)
- Sale Catalogue: Münz Zentrum 109, January 2002
- Sale Catalogue: Münz Zentrum 65, 1988
- Sale Catalogue: Münz Zentrum 73, April, 1992
- Sale Catalogue: Münz Zentrum 75: April 1993
- Sale Catalogue: Münz Zentrum 76: November 1993. (Lot 1390 consists of 133 seals)
- Sale Catalogue: Münz Zentrum 77, April 1994 (SBS 6, p. 150)
- Sale Catalogue: Münz Zentrum 80, 1994
- Sale Catalogue: Münz Zentrum 81, March 1995 (SBS 6, p. 153-154)
- Sale Catalogue: Münz Zentrum 91 (September 1997)
- Sale Catalogue: Münz Zentrum 93, January 1998: see SBS 8, 235-236
- Sale Catalogue: Münz Zentrum 94, May, 1998 (see SBS 8, pp. 236-239)
- Sale Catalogue: Münz Zentrum 96, September, 1998 (see SBS 8, pp. 239-240)
- Sale Catalogue: Münz Zentrum 97 (January 1999)
- Sale Catalogue: Münz Zentrum 98, May, 1999 (see SBS 8, pp. 241-243)
- Sale Catalogue: Robert J. Myers (New York, March 1981)
- Sale catalogue: Schenk-Behrens 76 (November 1998), SBS 8, 249-250
- Sale catalogue: Schenk-Behrens 77 (May 1999), SBS 8, 250-251
- Sale Catalogue: Schulten (April 1989)
- Sale Catalogue: Spink 127 (1998)
- Sale Catalogue: Spink: May 25, 1999
- Sale Catalogue: Spink: October 6, 1999
- Sale Catalogue: Sternberg (Zurich, 1986)
- Sale Catalogue: Sternberg (Zurich, 1990), SBS 3, 203
- Sale Catalogue: Sternberg (Zurich, 1991), SBS 3, 203-206
- Sale Catalogue: Sternberg (Zurich, 1992), SBS 3, 206-207
- Sale catalogue: Sternberg 5 (Zurich, 1975)
- Seals edited by H.W. Bell
- Seals reported at excavations but of unknown current wherabouts
- Serbia (private collection)
- Sorlin-Dorigny collection
- St Petersburg, Hermitage
- St Petersburg, Hermitage, Department of Numismatics
- St Petersburg, Russian Academy, Institute for History
- Staatliche Münzsammlung München: Zarnitz collection
- Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Münzkabinett
- Temple Mount excavations, Jerusalem
- The Byzantine Museum of Athens
- The school collection of the village of Gabar, near Develt
- The seal has been reported lost
- Thessaloniki, Mouseio Byzantinou Politismou
- Ukraine (private collection)
- Unknown collection: details temporarily or permanently unavailable
- Unknown private collection: details temporarily or permanently unavailable
- USA (private collection)
- Vatican (Rome), Médailler Vatican
- Venice, College of the Mechitharist Fathers
- Vienna Sammlung des Schottenstiftes
- Vienna, College of the Mechitharist Fathers
- Vienna, Grünbart collection
- Vienna, Institut für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte der Universität Wien
- Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Münzkabinett
- Vienna, private collection of Prof. Herbert Hunger
- Vienna, private collection of Prof. Werner Seibt
- Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore
- Warsaw, National Museum
- Washington, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection: 47 series
- Washington, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection: 51.3.5
- Washington, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection: 55 series
- Washington, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection: 58 series
- Washington, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection: 70 series
- Washington, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection: 77 series
- Washington, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection: series and number unspecified
- Weber collection
Seals in Sale Catalogue: Hirsch 183:
Ioannes Promoundenos, protospatharios mystographos megas chartoularios of the genikon logothesion krites of the hippodrome and of Kyklades Islands
Κύριε βοήθει ᾿Ιωάννῃ πρωτοσπαθαρίῳ μυστογράφῳ καὶ μεγάλῳ χαρτουλαρίῳ / τοῦ γενικοῦ λογοθεσίου κριτῇ ἐπὶ τοῦ ἱπποδρόμου καὶ τῶν Κυκλάδων νήσων τῷ Προμουνδηνῷ
Lord aid Ioannes Promoundenos, protospatharios mystographos megas chartoularios of the genikon logothesion krites of the hippodrome and of Kyklades Islands
Sale Catalogue: Hirsch 183: 1779