Seals in DO 55.1.
Ioannes (Hagiophlorites), protekdikos
Μήτηρ Θεοῦ. / ᾿Ιωάννου σφράγισμα τοῦ πρωτεκδίκου
Mother of God. / Sealing of Ioannes, protekdikos
DO 55.1. 4983
Ioannes, metropolitan of Chalcedon (type 1)
῾Η ἁγία Εὐφημία. / ᾿Ιωάννου σφράγισμα τοῦ Χαλκηδόνος
St Euphemia. / Sealing of Ioannes of Chalcedon (metrical)
DO 55.1. 4984
Ioannes, metropolitan of Chalcedon (type 1)
῾Η ἁγία Εὐφημία. / ᾿Ιωάννου σφράγισμα τοῦ Χαλκηδόνος
St Euphemia. / Sealing of Ioannes of Chalcedon (metrical)
DO 55.1. 4985
Ioannes, metropolitan of Chalcedon (type 2)
῾Η ἁγία Εὐφημία. / ᾿Ιωάννου σφράγισμα τοῦ Χαλκηδόνος
St Euphemia. / Sealing of Ioannes of Chalcedon (metrical)
DO 55.1. 4986
Ioannes, metropolitan of Chalcedon (type 2)
῾Η ἁγία Εὐφημία. / ᾿Ιωάννου σφράγισμα τοῦ Χαλκηδόνος
St Euphemia. / Sealing of Ioannes of Chalcedon (metrical)
DO 55.1. 4987
Ioannes, metropolitan of Chalcedon (type 2)
῾Η ἁγία Εὐφημία. / ᾿Ιωάννου σφράγισμα τοῦ Χαλκηδόνος
St Euphemia. / Sealing of Ioannes of Chalcedon (metrical)
DO 55.1. 4988
Konstantinos, metropolitan of Nikomedeia
Χεὶρ Κυρίου. / Κωνσταντῖνόν με Νικομηδεία~ σκέποι~
Hand of God. / May you protect me Konstantinos of Nikomedeia (metrical)
DO 55.1. 4989
Anonymus, hegoumenos of the Philanthropos monastery
᾿Ιησοῦς Χριστός | ὁ Φιλάνθρωπος. / Μονῆς πρόεδρον σῆς Φιλάν(θρωπ)ε σκέπε
Jesus Christ | Philanthropos. / (Christ) Philanthropos, protect the hegoumenos (proedros) of your monastery (metrical)
DO 55.1. 4990
Niketas, bishop of Poroi
Μήτηρ Θεοῦ. / Νικήταν, ῾Αγνή, ποιμένα Πόρων σκέποις
Mother of God. / Pure Maiden, may you protect Niketas, bishop (pastor) of Poroi (metrical)
DO 55.1. 4991
Basileios (of Ohrid), metropolitan of Thessalonike
῾Ο ἅγιος Βασίλειος. / ῾Ομώνυμόν σοι Θετταλῶν θύτην σκέπε
St Basileios. / Protect your namesake, metropolitan of the people of Thessalonike (metrical)
DO 55.1. 4992
(Ioannes), protoproedros metropolitan of Side
Μιχαήλ. / ῞Ορα σφραγίδα πρωτοπροέδρου Σίδης
Michael / See the seal of (Ioannes) protoproedros (of the protosynkelloi) metropolitan (protoproedros) of Side (metrical, with one word performing two functions)
DO 55.1. 4993
Michael, bishop of Raidestos (type 1)
῾Ο ἅγιος ᾿Ακεψιμᾶς. | ῾Ο ἅγιος Εὐδόκιμος / Πάναγνε ῾Ραιδεστοῦ με Μιχαὴλ σκέποις
St Akepsimas. | St Eudokimos. / All-holy one, may you protect me, Michael, bishop of Raidestos (metrical)
DO 55.1. 4994
Petros, chartophylax
Μήτηρ Θεοῦ ἡ Μαχαιρωθεῖσα. / Πέτρον, Πάναγνε, χαρτοφύλακαν σκέποις
Mother of God stabbed with a knife. / All-holy Virgin, may you protect Petros, chartophylax (metrical)
DO 55.1. 4995
Pothos, metropolitan of Mytilene
Μήτηρ Θεοῦ. / Πόθου σφράγισμα Μυτιλήνης ποιμένος
Mother of God. / The sealing of Pothos, metropolitan (pastor) of Mytilene (metrical)
DO 55.1. 4996
Theosteriktos, protos and monk
Μήτηρ Θεοῦ. / Πρώτου μοναχοῦ σφραγὶς Θεοστηρίκτου
Mother of God. / The seal of Theosteriktos, protos and monk (metrical)
DO 55.1. 4998
Georgios, metropolitan of Trebizond
Μήτηρ Θεοῦ ἡ ῾Αγιοσωρίτισσα / Θεοτόκε βοήθει Γεωργίῳ μητροπολίτῃ Τραπεζοῦντος
Mother of God the Hagiosoritissa / Theotokos aid Georgios metropolitan of Trebizond
DO 55.1. 4999
Petros, metropolitan of Thebes
Μήτηρ Θεοῦ ἡ ἐπίσκεψις. / Μῆτερ Θεοῦ σκέποις με τὸν Θηβῶν Πέτρον
Mother of God, the Episkepsis. / Mother of God may you protect me, Petros, metropolitan of Thebes (metrical)
DO 55.1. 5000
Joseph, monk of Pantokrator (monastery)
᾿Ιησοῦς Χριστὸς | ὁ Παντοκράτωρ. / Σκέποις μοναχὸν ᾿Ιωσὴφ Παντοκράτωρ
Jesus Christ | the Pantokrator. / Pantokrator, may you protect the monk Joseph (metrical)
DO 55.1. 5001
Makarios, monk
῾Ο ἅγιος Νικόλαος. / Σκέπε μοναχὸν Μακάριόν με, Μάκαρ
St Nikolaos. / Blessed saint, protect me, the monk Makarios
DO 55.1. 5002
Nikephoros, priest
Μήτηρ Θεοῦ. / Σκέποις, Πάναγνε, σὸν θύτην Νικηφόρον
Mother of God. / All-holy Virgin, may you protect Nikephoros, your priest (thytes) (metrical)
DO 55.1. 5004
Nikolaos (Hagiotheodorites), metropolitan of Athens
Μήτηρ Θεοῦ | ἡ ᾿Αθηναΐς. / Σφραγὶς ᾿Αθηνῶν ποιμένος Νικολάου
Mother of God | the Athenian. / The seal of Nikolaos, metropolitan (pastor) of Athens (metrical)
DO 55.1. 5007
Basileios, bishop of Tenos
῾Ο ἅγιος Βασίλειος. / Σφραγὶς Βασιλείου ἐπισκόπου Τήνου
St Basileios. / Seal of Basileios, bishop of Tenos (perhaps metrical)
DO 55.1. 5008
Basileios, bishop of Tenos
῾Ο ἅγιος Βασίλειος. / Σφραγὶς Βασιλείου ἐπισκόπου Τήνου
St Basileios. / Seal of Basileios, bishop of Tenos (perhaps metrical)
DO 55.1. 5009
Anonymus, bishop of Agrai
῾Ο ἅγιο~ Δημήτριο~. / Σφραγὶ~ ἐπισκόπου ᾿Αγρῶν
St Demetrios. / The seal of the bishop of Agrai
DO 55.1. 5011
Klemes, monk
Σφραγὶς Κλήμεντος / εὐτελοῦς μονοτρόπου
Seal of Klemes / the humble monk
DO 55.1. 5012
Michael, bishop (?)
Μήτηρ Θεοῦ. / Σφραγὶς Μιχαὴλ ποιμένος, Μήτηρ Λόγου
Mother of God. / Mother of the Word, seal of Michael pastor (metrical)
DO 55.1. 5014
Gregorios, monk
Σφραγὶ~ μοναχοῦ / εὐτελοῦς Γρηγορίου
Seal of the worthless monk Gregorios (metrical)
DO 55.1. 5017
Gregorios, monk
Σφραγὶ~ μοναχοῦ / εὐτελοῦς Γρηγορίου
Seal of the worthless monk Gregorios (metrical)
DO 55.1. 5018
Niketas, bishop of Servia
Μήτηρ Θεοῦ. / Σφραγὶς Νικήτα Σερβίου ἐπισκόπου
Mother of God. / Seal of Niketas, bishop of Servia (metrical)
DO 55.1. 5020
Niketas, bishop of Makre
Μήτηρ Θεοῦ. / Σφραγὶς Νικήτα τοῦ προέδρου τῆς Μάκρης
Mother of God. / Seal of Niketas, bishop (proedros) of Makre
DO 55.1. 5021